Peter Roseman Psy. S. Lansing, Michigan Psychotherapist

I am Peter Roseman. A psychotherapist for over 40 years, I practice throughout the Lansing, Michigan area and have been licensed to counsel those with mental health issues, addictions, and substance abuse problems from the beginning of my career. I work mainly with adults, concentrating on men’s issues, marital issues, depression and anxiety and also have particular interest in the areas listed as links below. (Clicking on any of those links will take you to more information about that specific area.) Whether it is in marriage or couples counseling, working through Post Traumatic Stress, focusing on specific men’s issues or concentrating on one of the other areas of therapy listed below, the theme of being authentic, of being "true to oneself" always runs through my entire practice of therapy, as you will see through this entire site. To find out more about me, or the Dream Catcher and its relation to therapy, you can click either one.

For some, admitting that there would a benefit from therapy might be difficult. Much like this site, you'll find my counseling style to be relaxed, understandable, patient and welcoming, each time we sit together. Whether you have experienced a recent loss or other traumatic event, are in a difficult life transition, or you simply know that something just doesn't seem right, as is often the case with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, depression or anxiety, you will find a lot of useful information here on this site that can help you make sense of what you're going through right now.

I was originally trained in the tradition of Depth Psychology, Gestalt Therapy, and later in the Humanistic-Existential tradition. I incorporated a Cognitive-Behavioral and the Brief, Solution Focused orientation many years ago, and shortly thereafter evolved into working in Transpersonal Psychology, and other more contemporary Psycho-Spiritual paths as well. I continue to use those traditions individually, or in an interwoven clinical framework, depending on the best interest and orientation of my client. My interest in the preservation of indigenous cultures and languages has led to a more intensive understanding of particular folkways and traditions that also inform my work.

I think this site does a pretty good job representing my areas of interest, my training and my clinical orientation. If you are in the Lansing Michigan area, please visit my Getting Started Page, or contact me directly for more information about beginning therapy with me.