Testimonials: The Full Reviews

'Many years ago, as a young woman, I was trying to live with my "issues" by ignoring them and "just moving on".  However, it became apparent to me that I couldn't ignore my PTSD symptoms any longer, (though I didn't know what that was at the time), as they were affecting the quality of mine and my husband's lives.  A good friend and confidante was seeing Peter Roseman at the time and highly recommended him to me.

As soon as I walked into his office, I knew I was going to experience something different than the usual psychotherapy I had heard about from others. His office was relaxed and comfortable and Peter's demeanor was warm and compassionate from the start (I still remember how he immediately noticed that I was very nervous and asked me if I'd prefer he leave the door open).  He reassured me that I was not alone and that I could most definitely feel better and live my life in a positive way.

As Peter guided me through exercises that I could do to change the way I thought and acted, he taught me how to stop blaming and shaming myself for things over which I had no control. In fact, he taught me how to control those things I could and how to let go of those things I can't (and to identify which is which!).  During our sessions, he not only taught me about how my issues were affecting me, he listened - actually listened! - to me.  I can tell you that in the years that I worked with Peter, (both in individual sessions and in group sessions), he never once appeared distracted or bored.  He truly cares about his clients and works WITH them!

Later in my life, when I had children, I experienced Postpartum Depression.  My insurance only paid for a small list of therapists and I tried one who was supposed to specialize in PPD.  They were of little or no help to me and I decided to see if Peter was willing to work with PPD symptoms.  He told me he had recently learned of some techniques that could help, though he hadn't used them specifically with PPD and if it didn't work, he would find some way or someone to help me.  I was willing to try and went to see him.  What a relief when it worked! Again, Peter was compassionate, kind and concerned about helping me get better.  I highly recommend Peter as a Psychotherapist who is willing to work with you in both conventional and alternative ways to help you feel better about your life and the you're living in."

Michelle D.

I began working with Peter doing couple's counseling with my wife.  As time progressed it became apparent that I should also be doing some individual work to help me understand and grow as a person.  Peter was very helpful with that, and invited me to join a group of people he was counseling that were interested in the same personal growth.  It turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life.  With Peter's guidance we were all able to move through some very difficult periods in our lives, dealing with past issues and how they affected our present and future lives.  Peter has a wealth of experience and knowledge that he puts to very effective use in his counseling of both individuals and groups.  I highly recommend him to those seeking help with difficult personal issues as well as those who are just wanting to understand themselves better, grow as individuals, and to be able to contribute to society."

Kevin L.

Like many who seek help, I met Peter at a difficult time in my life.  My spouse was in the throes of addiction, and I was frustrated by my futile attempts to save her from herself.  Peter's guidance was instrumental in understanding my role and responsibilities in my relationship, and I cannot thank him enough for his professional help.  He always listened to me no matter how off the wall my feelings were, and he always had great advice and insight. I combined my sessions with Peter along with AlAnon groups and a family group meetings with a local hospital specializing in addiction therapy, and Peter was able to provide the personalized therapy that the group settings could not."

Richard G.

I first met Peter when I was 16 because my mother was seeing him.  He ran a group, which I got to be apart of for a brief period of time.  I've always looked back on those days as a life changing experience, so when, twenty years later, I reached a searching point in my own life I contacted him.  First I looked for a therapist for a year in my own state and when that failed Peter and I started Skype sessions. He has provided me perspectives and insights that have been like an accelerator button for my personal growth.  I would recommend him to anyone but especially if you want someone who has no judgement on who you are and where you are. Who will ask the questions that stop you in your tracks.  Who will provide suggestions that you've never thought of on your own. If you're reading this you must be searching too. He is an amazing guide."

Lisa B. 

Because of Peter's work with alternative therapies, I was able to get a handle on my life for the first time in my life.  I'm forever grateful for my experience not only with one on one therapy, but also his support groups.  My original diagnosis with the Psychiatric Profession was Dissociative Disorder.  Even though I had made much progress though mainstream therapy, I still felt completely alienated by certain aspects of "life". Peter's care, gentleness and consistency saved my psychological life! I'm forever grateful for my experience with him."

LuAnne C. 

I am Peter's daughter.  While I cannot comment from a client's perspective, I can certainly comment on the type of person he is. I went 9 years going from therapist to therapist, trying to find someone, ANYONE who could understand me and genuinely care and at 29 I finally found "the one".  My dad is just like her.  He genuinely cares. I'm not just saying this because I'm his daughter. I grew up around some of his patients and they all love and adore him.  He's helped and touched the lives of so many people.  He's not just a psychologist. He's a friend, a confidant, a father, a grandfather, brother; he loves big, and hates none!"

Sara R.

I have done work with Peter more than once, and that in itself speaks to how I feel about Peter.  My work with Peter has changed my life, how I view myself and others.  Healing from past hurt and regaining my power has been invaluable to me.  I met Peter through a dear friend of mine whom I love and trust very much.  Peters honesty and wisdom(gift) gave me the courage to tackle the hard truths about myself and has changed how I walk through my daily life.  I did this work many years ago but the tools I acquired stay with me this day and always."

Margo M.

I found Peter Roseman by chance, but I felt he was professional and personable from the beginning.  Over the years I've known him, I've come to trust him explicitly with the details of my life and guiding me to make good decisions based on my needs.  I needed someone to guide me without judging me, Peter Roseman exceeded my expectations."

Lisa S.

I find Dr. Peter Roseman to be a man of deep integrity with a kind, thoughtful, lighthearted spirit.  His wisdom regarding the challenging journey males of our culture face is woven throughout his orientation and his authentic and unpretentious demeanor creates a safe, inviting space to do your own personal work.

Jerilyn R. MA,  ACSW

Peter's compassionate style of connecting with me as a client and helping me chart my course for the life I wanted was the perfect balance, and set the foundation upon which I built a new life."

Kimberly C.

I have been a client of Peter Roseman for over a decade.  An incredible therapist; when I first went to see Peter in my early 20's I didn't believe seeing a therapist would help me.  He has been instrumental in walking me down a road to enlightenment and growth. I am awake, aware, and alert, because of my time with Peter."

Paul K.

It was in group and individual therapy with Peter.  His style of therapy was miles ahead of anyone else I had seen.
The compassion and knowledge Peter showed has helped me throughout my life.  I highly recommend him as a therapist. When you don't think you can go on any longer, Peter will show you that you can!"

Teresa K

I have not seen Peter myself, but I have worked with him in the past.  He is truly an amazing man.  Peter is not only a professional, but a great friend.  He is compassionate, caring, empathetic, honest, and always cared for what's best for his clients."

Heather K-W.

Amazing, wonderful. Made me a better person"

Gail L.

Knows the path towards health; can help you get on it and stay on it."

Daniel P.

When anyone talks to me about issues that they feel they need to speak to a counselor about, I ALWAYS say, I highly recommend Peter Roseman! Peter meets you where you are at and gently but firmly helps you move toward the place you wish to be. He doesn’t tell you where you need to go, he asks you to think about where you want to be in the future, and if it is a reasonable answer, he guides you to find your way there. Peter doesn’t treat people as if they are cookie cutter prints of himself or each other. He helps you find what is unique and wonderful in yourself and teaches you how to build on that. I came to Peter extremely broken, and he taught me to fight for myself. He taught me to find the spirit within me that can be a gift to others and to myself. Peter’s spiritual nature comes pouring through and you can’t help but feel wrapped up and comforted and safe as he leads you into your self-discovery. This certainly isn’t to say that Peter is “easy” on you. When you need to do the work, he will flat out tell you. If you come to a session feeling “cocky”, Peter can see through that and bring you to a helpful place where you can truly get the work done. If you come to a session confused, he manages to help you clear a path so you can move forward. Peter is an amazing listener! He hears what you are saying in your being, not only in your words, and shows you how to understand yourself. It has been many years since I have needed to see Peter in a counseling nature, but he remains one of the people most dear to my heart. Whenever any issue in my life feels like it may be overwhelming me, I can still pull up his gentle voice and know what he would tell me. He has no idea that he counsels me still! For me Peter’s spirit filled nature and his spirit filled approach to how he counsels are amazing! He is one of those people who can touch your heart instantly and even when you have just met him, you feel you have known him all your life and trust him! I honestly don’t know that I could have moved so far so fast with any other type of counselor and I truly don’t feel that I would be in the place I am today if I had not spent my time in counseling with Peter. I will be truly thankful my entire life for what he has taught me and how he showed me to become the person I am comfortable being today!