Step One

Making Initial Contact

In the Lansing, Michigan area you can begin your counseling process by sending me an email, or connecting with me by phone. For most, phone contact is preferable. Two reasons: 1.) You get to 'interview' me, to get a more immediate sense of whether I might be a good 'fit' for you; 2.) I get a more immediate sketch of what it is you'd like to work with, to begin formulating ideas for you, even before we meet, yes!  It seems more personal by phone, but either way is just fine.

It is under rare and unusual circumstances that i will agree to bill Blue Cross Blue Shield for you. If you feel you must, please click the following link to take a look at my page "About Insurance and Fees". This will give you an understanding of my position.

We will need to agree by phone that I would accept your Blue Cross and it will make the process much less cumbersome if, prior to your appointment, you've contacted your carrier and you already know:

  • How much your deductible is (the amount you must pay before your policy starts paying for services), and if it is met

  • The amount of your copay

  • If there is a limit of allowable visits per year

Phone: 517.861.1167


Step Two
Getting Some Information Together

When we meet, I'll need some pretty basic information from you. I've put together the following documents in a way that should make their completion a pretty easy process.

Click on each of the red "Links" below to view, and print your completed form: 

My Policy Statement

This is important information that you need to know about the confidentiality laws and your "Rights as a Client" so I do encourage you to read it. There is nothing to be completed here, but I will ask you to confirm that you've read it on the "Consent" form. 

Intake Questionnaire

I've done my best to make this Questionnaire as brief as I could, so I do ask that you complete it as fully as possible. I like to review it at our first meeting because it really helps us begin more efficiently. As you will see, it is designed to be completed on-line and printed in your own home. 

Your consent to start treatment with me

This is the legal document in which you are agreeing that you do wish to see me, that you understand that therapy "is not an exact science", and that if using insurance, I may release any pertinent information to them. It simply requires your signature. 

Your Billing Information

If you will be using  insurance, I will be submitting this form to my billing company. It needs to be fully completed on-line and printed out at home. 

Please bring these with you to our first meeting.  

Step Three

Scheduling A Counseling Appointment

If you have reviewed the site and feel a sense of 'fit', and you haven't contacted me yet, you might want to do that now. I am prompt at returning calls and emails, so if you don't connect with me when you call, it will not be long thereafter that I will return yours. 

Please note that at this time, appointment times currently run weekdays, from 9:00am to 5:00pm.

Phone: 517.861.1167