Suggested Readings

So much of our therapy and healing actually happens outside of the actual session.  So I like to offer up these suggestions for those who really want to enhanse or extend the process.  Although reading is not for everyone, I can assure you that there is not a boring read in this list.  Of course, if you are not interested in a particular subject here (like Spirituality or the Martial Arts) you may not be interested in that particular work either. You might want to give it a shot anyway. Enjoy!

Individuation and Relationship
The Four Agreements; Don Miguel Ruiz
The Dance of Anger; Harriet Learner
The Way It Is; William Stafford (Poetry)

CoDependance and Addiction
Witness To The Fire; Linda Leonard
Codependent No More; Melody Beaty
Beyond Codependence; Melody Beaty

Relationship and Couples
Marriage Rules; Harriet Learner
Dance of Intimacy; Harriet Learner
Passionate Marriage; David Schnarch
Getting the Love You Want; Harville Hendirx
Tantra: The Art of Conscious Loving; Charles and Caroline Muir
Seven Principals for Making Marriage Work; John Gottman
Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties; Translation by John Mood

Men’s Issues
Iron John; Robert Bly
The Flying Boy; John Lee
Men and the Life of Desire; Michael Meade
The Warrior Within Us; Moore and Gilette
Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart: Poems for Men; Edited by Robert Bly, Michael Meade, James Hillman

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Awakening The Tiger; Peter Levine
Fugitive Pieces; Anne Michaels (novel)
Mud Woman; Joyce Carol Oates (novel)
The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog; Bruce Perry

Good Grief -- Lolly Winston (novel)
Griefwalker; Steven Jenkinson (DVD)
A Widow’s Story; Joyce Carol Oates (memoir)
A Year of Magical Thinking; Joan Didion (memoir)

Narcissistic and Borderline Personality Disorder
The Wizard of Oz and other Narcissists; Eleanor Payson
Stop Walking on Eggshells; Paul Mason & Randi Kreger
Tangled; DVD

Tao Te Ching; Lau Tsu
The Tao of Power; R.L. Wing
A History of God; Karen Armstrong
Of Water and Spirit; Maladoma Some’
Crying For a Dream; Richad Erdoes
Seven Arrows; Heymayhosts Storm
Song of Heyoka; Heymayhosts Storm
The Code of the Samurai; A.L. Sadler
Long Life, Honey in the Heart; Martin Prectel
Character and Destiny; James Hillman and Michael Meade