About Peter

I am Peter Roseman. I am a Psychotherapist with over 40 years of experience working with Grief and loss, Post-traumatic stress, Depression and Anxiety, Adult Life Transitions and Readjustments, Emotionally Committed Relationships and Marital Issues, Chemical Dependance, Alcoholism, and other Addictive disorders, Adult Children of Alcoholics, and of other addictive personalities (“ACA”), Codependence, Self Esteem and Individuation, Men’s Issues, and Spirituality.  I have worked traditionally from Depth Psychology, as well as Cognitive-Behavioral perspectives.  More, my eight year study of Taoist philosophy, my having taught T’ai Chi’ for six years, and having studied shamanic practices for eight years, has also informed my work.  My total thanks and gratitude for you, who have supported me here...

What is being said...

“I highly recommend Peter as a Psychotherapist who is willing to work with you in both conventional and alternative ways to help you feel better about your life and you're living in." Read the Full Reviews.

Michelle D.

“...I highly recommend him to those seeking help with difficult personal issues as well as those who are just wanting to understand themselves better, grow as individuals, and to be able to contribute to society."

Kevin L.

“...I combined my sessions with Peter along with AlAnon groups and a family group meetings with a local hospital specializing in addiction therapy, and Peter was able to provide the personalized therapy that the group settings could not."

Richard G.

I would recommend him to anyone but especially if you want someone who has no judgement on who you are and where you are. Who will ask the questions that stop you in your tracks.  Who will provide suggestions that you've never thought of on your own. If you're reading this you must be searching too.  He is an amazing guide."

Lisa B. 

...even though I had made much progress though mainstream therapy, I still felt completely alienated by certain aspects of "life.” Peter's care, gentleness and consistency saved my psychological life!  I'm forever grateful for my experience with him."

LuAnne C. 

He's helped and touched the lives of so many people.  He's not just a psychologist. He's a friend, a confidant, a father, a grandfather, brother; he loves big, and hates none!"

Sara R.

“...Peter's honesty and wisdom (gift) gave me the courage to tackle the hard truths about myself and has changed how I walk through my daily life.  I did this work many years ago but the tools I acquired stay with me this day and always."

Margo M.

I needed someone to guide me without judging me.  Peter Roseman exceeded my expectations."

Lisa S.

His wisdom regarding the challenging journey males of our culture face is woven throughout his orientation and his authentic and unpretentious demeanor creates a safe, inviting space to do your own personal work.

Jerilyn R.  MA,  ACSW

"...He has been instrumental in walking me down a road to enlightenment and growth.  I am, awake, aware and alert because of my time with Peter."

Paul K.

“I highly recommend him as a therapist.  When you don't think you can go on any longer, Peter will show you that you can!"

Teresa K

“He is compassionate, caring, empathetic, honest, and always cared for what's best for his clients."

Heather K-W.

“Amazing wonderful made me a better person"

Gail L.

“Knows the path towards health; can help you get on it and stay on it."

Daniel P. 

"...this certainly isn’t to say that Peter is “easy” on you. When you need to do the work, he will flat out tell you. If you come to a session feeling “cocky”, Peter can see through that and bring you to a helpful place where you can truly continue to get the work done.  I truly don’t feel that I would be in the place I am today if I had not spent my time in counseling with Peter."

Jeanette W.

Please feel free to email or call me with any questions or comments at the address below.