You will find more information on these, and other issues, in the Videos section following this one

Self-esteem/Personal Growth/Therapy

My Philosophy of Counseling

Vision and Action

In Session: Trusting Your Emotions

Why Do People Typically Seek Counseling or Therapy?

Counseling and The Myth of Opening Pandora's Box

Counseling and Its Relationship with the Dreamcatcher

Four Unexpected Benefits of Therapy - Ryan Howes, PhD

9 Qualities of Truly Confident People - Dharmesh Shah

Feeling Good Yet? Seven Ways to Boost Endorphins - Elise Curtin

What Indigenous People Know About Mental Health That We Forgot 

Relationships & Sexuality

How to Stop Being a ‘Foster Partner’ to Emotionally Unavailable People

About Couples counseling

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse - John Gottman PhD

Seven Good Reasons to Blame Your Partner (And Why None of Them Are Good Enough); Robert Solly PhD

What To Do When You’ve Been Cheated On - Harris O’Mally

Domestic Violence is not Always Physical: 8 Signs You are in an Abusive Relationship - Tamara Star

A Stepmom’s Nightmare: Tough Medicine for a Tough Situation

Addiction, Substance Abuse and Codependance

The Addictive Personality

Sex Addiction and the Fear of Intimacy

The Treatment of (Sexual) Addiction

What Is CoDependence?

Am I CoDependent? - The Gottman Institute

My Position on Working with CoDependents and Domestic Violence


A Brief Psychology of Narcissism and How to Survive it

When You Think You Are Going Crazy But You Are Not

A Narcissist and an Empath Walk Into a Bar: Understanding the Dynamics of Abuse - Erica Leibrandt

20 diversion tactics Highly Manipulative Sociopaths, Narcissists Use to Silence you - Shahida Arabi

Rapunzel: Daughter of a Closet Narcissist

The Myth of Narcissus and Echo

My Position on Working with CoDependents and Domestic Violence

Men's Issues

Self Acceptance Leads to Attraction - Dan Bolten

Understand PostTraumatic Stress (PTSD)

Men and Trauma: Most of Us Will Not Even Use the Word ‘Fear’ - Dan Griffin

My Husband Wants More Emotional Conversations With Men - Natalie Gates